A few days ago one of my biggest dreams come through. I'm officially a house owner. To say I'm over the moon wouldn't describe how I feel.
It wasn't easy to find a place that was so perfect for us since the inventory is low, mortgage rates are going up and the overall house market has seen better days.
But it happened!!
Some things are meant to be in their own time. And I'm so happy this house found me.
I feel it was meant to be!
We found this gorgeous colonial beauty built in 1900 (!!!)
It features 4 bedrooms, an office, an unfinished basement, a crawl space turned into a cellar, a massive living room that I'll refer to as a "drawing room" with a reference to the Gilded Age, a library, a casual living room, dining and a beautiful porch wrapping the house all over.
This house went through renovations and additions in the 90s- to early 2000. I'm planning to go to the town hall and find out the history of this place. It feels so intriguing to find out who lived there before, 100 years ago.
The previous family lived there for 35 years and you can feel such good vibes in the air. I googled the family (can you blame me for my curiosity?:)) and turned out that the wife was a poet or a writer. How exciting??? That probably explains the build Ins in the library!
I couldn't find much information on the husband, but they have three kids, all grown up now, around my age.
I can imagine this family being so happy in this house, laughing, reading together, and calling this beautiful house their home for 35 years. I'm not surprised they didn't want to leave.
It seems that when they moved in the house was twice smaller in size. They added a drawing room with beautiful bay windows, a massive master bedroom on top of it (that I'm not sure what to do with yet haha), and they extended the attic to build another room (it will be our family room), a half bath and a guest bedroom.
Basically, from 3 bedrooms they converted it to 4 bedrooms and an office and added 2 half baths. Smart decisions!
As I'm taking over the house they cherished for generations, I'm planning to make it our home. I feel honored and promise to modernize it while keeping the charm and beauty of this historic home.
I am so excited and overflown with ideas on how to renovate this space!
As much as I love the interior of the house there are things that I wish we had, including a garage (a non-negotiable for me), AC (the house is old and never had central air), and a dining room that is separated by a closed staircase with the kitchen.
As of now, I'm stoked and soaking in the fact that I'm officially a house owner and I wrote here about my plans for the renovations, what could wait and what are the things that need to be done immediately.
By the way, I'm trying to figure out the style of the house. In the listing, it says New England farmhouse, but I think I see elements of colonial🤔
What do you think?
I'll post photos from the basement soon, stay tuned 🙂
You can vote on the style and follow my renovation journey on Instagram @ifonlyapril and on my YouTube channel where I give you a walk-through and share my plans for this beautiful home.
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