I'm working on Sasha's bedroom; one vital piece must be done to complete her flower bedroom. And it is an Anthropologie Enchanted dresser dupe.
Little Girl Flowers Bedroom Makeover
Little girl flowers inspired mood board
Dresser makeover: From old to gorgeous
We've all seen that dresser! It looks gorgeous, but the price is quite steep. Today, I will show you how to make the same one. Maybe a similar one on the budget will look as beautiful as the original one.
I'm almost done with the bedroom, and this is the only piece that has to be done, like a feature piece.
OK, so there are a few steps to the furniture flip, and many professionals do it for a living. I'm not one of them, so wherever my stuff will be, don't judge too hard—it's just me being me.
I got this dresser from FBMP for $50, and this is how it looked before
- Paint (I used Dixie Belle paint)
- Paintbrush
- Silicone mold #1
- Silicone mold #2
- Silicone mold #3
- Epoxy resin
- E6000 glue
- Finishing wax
Step 1 - prep
The first thing we need to do is clean the dresser. We need to wipe it down from debris, grease, and everything else. I know that the next step is to send it. But since I'm a single mom of two, I can't take it down for a proper sanding session, and my time is limited. I'm just going to wipe it clean and hope for the best. I sanded it very lightly and took my chances.
Step 2 - painting
I used chalk by Dixie Belle in drop cloth color for the painting. I used it before and love the texture.
I took all the hardware and applied the first layer. I quickly regretted not priming it first but decided to trust the process and see how it went.
Please, don't mind the setting of my bedroom - that was the only available place to do it. The first coat didn't look very good, but I trusted the process and kept going.
Step 3 - make flowers from epoxy for Anthropologie Enchanted dresser dupe
Making flowers from epoxy was an exciting and highly therapeutic part of the process.
I used this epoxy from Amazon, which, unlike regular clear epoxy, cures within 10 minutes. It changes colors from clear to white, so you know that it's done drying. But when they say it cures fast, they mean it. It starts crying when you pour it, so you need to work quickly.
Here are a few tips I've learned during the process of making flowers with epoxy:
1. Start working in small batches. I had three sheets of silicone molds, and the first time, I overmixed the epoxy, so when I poured it into the mold, I had leftovers that I couldn't use (since the epoxy dried up while it was curing in the molds). So try to mix a little first, and then mix more.
2. Make sure you work on a protective surface since you will likely have some drips and don't want to ruin the table.
3. Wait for epoxy flowers to fully cure before taking them out.
4. Make a different variety of flowers so you can choose what to use later. Options, you know?
Other than that, have fun and enjoy the process.
I did three batches, which wasn't enough, so I made two more large flowers.
Step 4 - glue flowers and final coat for this Anthropologie dupe dresser
That was such a fun process! First, I laid down the flowers to see which design I liked better. When satisfied with the design, I used E6000 glue to attach the flowers to the dresser.
Tip: if you want to cut flowers between drawers or bend flowers on the corners, you should do it while they are flexible and don't fully cure. I ran into trouble cutting it after the resin was hard.
When the flowers were glued, I applied a second layer of paint.
I got away with a 4oz paint jar, but it was stretching it. I wish I could add another coat.
To finish this dresser, I applied a finishing cloth on top to protect it from damage.
I am absolutely in love with this Anthropologie dupe dresser. It turned out so cute and even better than an Anthropologie dresser.
Now Sasha's room is almost complete, and I can't wait to show you the final reveal.
You can watch a video tutorial on my YouTube channel here and in reels on Instagram.
Let me know what you think!
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